Outdoors Thinking - Certificate in Outdoor Practice
Outdoors Thinking offers a Certificate in Outdoor Practice which focuses on the outdoor provision you make onsite in your setting on a daily basis.
Three modules each made up of 4 units work together to make up the full level 3 OCN accredited certificate.
- Module 1 is about creating an outdoor environment that provides a rich landscape of stimulating, meaningful and worthwhile possibilities that draw on what the outdoors is particularly able to offer young children. There is an in-depth look at the incredible potential in the ‘super-ingredients’ of excellent outdoor provision and the opportunity to develop these in your own setting
- Module 2 enables the practitioner to understand and believe in learning through play outdoors. Time is spent exploring the natural learning mechanisms used by children.
- Module 3 supports the practitioner to be confident both in practice and articulating the role of outdoor provision in children’s learning and development
Time: 12 Day programme over a 14-month timeframe
Cost: £1200 & VAT (payable to Outdoors Thinking)
Venues in Northern Ireland: Hill of the O’ Neill, Dungannon & Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy
Lead Trainer (NI): Clare Devlin
More Info
For more information or to book a place please visit outdoorsthinking.co.uk