Live Events

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Live Events

Attend live training events or bring Clare’s expertise directly to your setting with bespoke, in-person training tailored to your unique needs. Whether working with small teams or whole schools (supporting practitioners working with children aged 3–11), Clare delivers dynamic, hands-on sessions that showcase the power of play as a tool for learning and development.

Clare’s live training sessions, centred on Play, Learning Outdoors, and Observation, have inspired educators across the UK, Ireland, and Spain. Her offerings include one-day events, multi-unit courses, and guest speaker engagements.

Clare enjoys the opportunity to present at conferences across the UK and Ireland, where she shares her passion for play-based learning with educators.

Guest Speaker Events

Woodwork with Pete Moorhouse

This Live Event will address

  • ways in which woodworking can be safely introduced in your school
  • the associated learning and development relating to preschool, nursery, FS, KS1 & KS2
  • what progression in learning looks like across the year groups
  • the most suitable wood and tools for children and instruction on how best to use them
  • the stages of children’s progression in woodwork
  • the health and safety measures required and a sample risk benefit assessment
  • information on potential suppliers of wood/ tools
  • how to set up and manage a woodworking area
  • the open-ended nature of woodwork

There will be practical sessions for practitioners to explore the tools, gain confidence and share the experience of making creations in wood.

Please bring any woodwork tools that you may already have in your setting.

Two dates available:

Monday 10 th November 2025 (Pre-school, Nursery and Foundation Stage Practitioners – Adults working with 3-6 year olds)

Tuesday 11 th November 2025 (Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Practitioners – Adults working with 7-11 year olds)

Venue: Lough Neagh Discovery Centre, Lurgan, N.Ireland (close to Junction 10 off M1 motorway)

Cost : £145 + VAT per person (Lunch and refreshments will be provided)

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Outdoors Thinking – Certificate in Outdoor Practice (Coming Soon)

Outdoors Thinking - Certificate in Outdoor Practice

Outdoors Thinking offers a Certificate in Outdoor Practice which focuses on the outdoor provision you make onsite in your setting on a daily basis.

Three modules each made up of 4 units work together to make up the full level 3 OCN accredited certificate.

  • Module 1 is about creating an outdoor environment that provides a rich landscape of stimulating, meaningful and worthwhile possibilities that draw on what the outdoors is particularly able to offer young children. There is an in-depth look at the incredible potential in the ‘super-ingredients’ of excellent outdoor provision and the opportunity to develop these in your own setting
  • Module 2 enables the practitioner to understand and believe in learning through play outdoors. Time is spent exploring the natural learning mechanisms used by children.
  • Module 3 supports the practitioner to be confident both in practice and articulating the role of outdoor provision in children’s learning and development

Time: 12 Day programme over a 14-month timeframe

Cost: £1200 & VAT (payable to Outdoors Thinking)

Venues in Northern Ireland: Hill of the O’ Neill, Dungannon & Heaney HomePlace, Bellaghy

Lead Trainer (NI): Clare Devlin

More Info

For more information or to book a place please visit

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Comissioning Live Events

Live events can be commissioned directly by schools and organisations. For bookings and inquiries:

Call: +44 (0) 7724 766973   or   Email:

Or, join one of Clare’s scheduled events.


(Coming Soon)

Get In Touch

For more information on any of the workshops, training programmes or services offered by Clare Devlin – Education Consultancy, please visit our Workshops and Training & Support pages, or don't hesitate to get in touch.

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